awareness based wellness coaching.

Buddhist Mindfulness Somatic Experiencing Holistic Wellness Addiction Recovery


What are the causes of wellbeing?

Buddhist wisdom asserts that nothing arises independent of its causes. A tree, for example, arises as a result of a set of conditions (sun, soil, water and climate). Human physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing requires its own set of conditions. My work is about supporting people to identify and engage the variables that support a high level of wellbeing.

I draw 3 decades of experience!

- I am trained as a Buddhist teacher with 30 + years experience as a practitioner.

- I have maintained a holistic wellness coaching practice for 15 years.

- I am a practitioner of Somatic Experiencing, a body centered system for resolving trauma.

- I am 18 years sober and a longtime advocate for a trauma centered, Buddhist approach to addiction and Recovery.

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The journey to healing, recovery and high level wellness is different for each person. I meet each client where they are and work to support and empower them to take full responsibility for the work that needs to be done.

Please visit the Coaching page for more information about my scope of practice and to inquire about coaching.

Pablo Das

Welcome to the Causes of Wellbeing website.

Here you will find information on the work of Pablo Das. In the Pablo Das Bio page you can read about my background and teachings. Visit the coaching page to find information on my one on one coaching practice. On the podcast and video pages, you can listen to recorded teachings. Finally, check out the Writings page for my writing. 

I hope that what is offered here is what most supports your wellbeing. 

- Pablo Das, SEP, HHC

Pablo Das introduces a series of videos below:

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For coaching inquiries use this contact button or the one at the top right corner of this page.

Talk: Trauma and Buddhist Mindfulness by Pablo Das

Pablo Das was featured in the March 2017 issue of Lions Roar. Read Online Version

Pablo Das was featured in the March 2017 issue of Lions Roar. Read Online Version